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scanner in web, phonebook in web, autofill otp in web, share web, TextToSpeech in web, Voice Recognition in web, live location tracking in web, detect my location web, wakelock in web, color picker, WhatsappShare, SnapScanner, NetworkMonitor, View360
- in web
- in javascript
- in react
- Plug & Play
- components
- web component
- frontend
- library
- react
- react components
- ui component
- ui library
- web
- advanced component
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Prevent display sleep and enable wake lock in any Android or iOS web browser
Prevent display sleep and enable wake lock in any Android or iOS web browser
A react-native solution to check if your app runs under battery optimization on Android devices and makes it easy for the user to disable it.
- doze
- check
- battery
- standby
- android
- wakelock
- optimization
- react-native
- react-component
- battery optimization
- battery optimization check
- react-native-battery-optimization-check
Prevent display sleep and enable wake lock in any Android or iOS web browser
React hooks to make it easier to use Screen Wake Lock API
React hook that will help the device stay awake while actively using your website or app.
- awake
- wake-lock
- wakelock
- wake lock
- wake lock hook
- sleep
- nosleep
- no-sleep
- preventSleep
- prevent sleep
- screen
- screen lock
- lock screen
- keep on
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A fork from react-native-battery-optimization-check with the declarations for typescript applications
- doze
- check
- battery
- standby
- android
- wakelock
- optimization
- react-native
- react-component
- battery optimization
- battery optimization check
- react-native-battery-optimization-check
Interactivity for You
- web components
- custom elements
- contextmenu
- copy
- dialog
- editor
- fullscreen
- intersect
- prefetch
- share
- tablesort
- wakelock
- youtube
Prevent display sleep and enable wake lock in any Android or iOS web browser
React library to prevent computer from entering sleep mode
Custom plugin for Reveal.js to avoid screen going to sleep during active presentations
Prevent display sleep and enable wake lock in any Android or iOS web browser
A fork from react-native-battery-optimization-check with the declarations for typescript applications
- doze
- check
- battery
- standby
- android
- wakelock
- optimization
- react-native
- react-component
- battery optimization
- battery optimization check
- react-native-battery-optimization-check
Forked from [react-native-android-wake-lock]( to release with bugfix.
Native Module for setting a [wake lock]( on an Android device. Utilizes both `PowerManager` and `WifiManager`.
React hook that will help the device stay awake while actively using your website or app.
- awake
- wake-lock
- wakelock
- wake lock
- wake lock hook
- sleep
- nosleep
- no-sleep
- preventSleep
- prevent sleep
- screen
- screen lock
- lock screen
- keep on
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StayAwake.js | Prevents mobile browsers from sleeping and shutting down
Forked from [react-native-android-wake-lock](
React Native module for holding the android's `PowerManager.WakeLock` and `WifiManager.WifiLock`.