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WordPress word count utility.
Post Word Count Plugin of Hexo.
Count the words in a string. Support for english, CJK and Cyrillic.
Eleventy plugin word count; which calcutates the number of words in a text corpus.
HEXO package that provides analytics on the read time to review a post. Generates word, character, image, video, and codeblock counts in the front-matter of the markdown file. Plus provides read-time estimates for given language profile. Supports 48 langu
- hexo plugin
- hexo-plugin
- read analytics
- hexo readtime
- readtime
- read-time
- read time
- reading-time
- reading time
- word count
- wordcount
- post time
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A React hook for analyzing text.
- react
- hook
- react-hook
- javascript
- typescript
- text
- analyzer
- text-analysis
- word-frequency
- wordcount
- reading
- time
- reading-time
Metalsmith plugin to compute wordcount / average reading time of all paragraphs in a html file
get word counts / frequencies on a per-speaker or per-category basis, or as an aggregate
A tool like wordcount that supports continuous streams at a regular interval
get word counts / frequencies on a per-speaker or per-category basis, or as an aggregate
Assemble middleware for displaying wordcount and average reading time to blog posts or pages.
A tool to report on statistics for Markdown file content within a folder (recursively).
- markdown
- wordcount
- word count
- word-count
- word
- count
- statistics
- stats
- documentation
- docs
- report
- cli
- command
- command line
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GeChiUI word count utility.
measure the salience / importance of words in a text document -- based on the frequency of the words in the document, versus their frequency in English
wc stream
Count specific word in a particular file.
Post Word Count Plugin of Hexo.
a simple module to count the amount of words in a supplied string
CensusJs is a solution to modern word-counting issues. In this initial release, it can count words in plain text, in further releases, it would extract text from a file and then process it. You should use CensusJs if you’re working with documents that wil
Assemble plugin for displaying wordcount and average reading time to blog posts or pages.