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Official Javascript SDK for the EVRYTHNG API.
Node generator for Node-RED
Web of Things Framework by WoT.City
Javascript SDK to communicate with EVRYTHNG REST API
Evrythng.js Hub plugin for transparent local Thng-Hub requests
Mobile UI components built on vue.js
System based on +500 blacklists and 5 external intelligences to detect internet potencially malicious hosts
- malwareworld
- malware
- detection
- spam
- phising
- bitcoin
- tor
- proxy
- adware
- malicious
- antivirus
- blacklist
- whitelist
- internet
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Node.js client library for the API.
- client library
- api
- rest
- wargaming
- world of tanks
- world of tanks blitz
- world of tanks console
- world of warships
- world of warplanes
- wot
- wotb
- wotx
- wowp
- wows
Fetch-based wrapper of the World of Tank Blitz API.
Scrapes Scamvoid site to get safety report for domain.
Command line interface for wotblitz.js.
Plugin for evrythng.js that adds Barcode, QR code, Image Recognition and OCR scanning to applications.
A Node.js Web of Things server and gateway for Linux based devices such as the Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, Edison or Samsung Artik
- web of things
- internet of things
- wot
- gateway
- building the web of things
- mqtt
- pi
- raspberry
- pizero
- coap
- m2m
- iot
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Web of Things nodes for Node-RED using node-wot
It is a MQTT version of Webhook for IoT devices.
Evrythng.js MQTT plugin for MQTT real-time communication with EVRYTHNG API
A module for abstracting network communication between smart devices in a home environment.
A MQTThook to store sensors data from an IoT device in a Firebase database.