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Stream variables beetween 2 JavaScript threads (client/server, ipc, worker/main thread).
Stream-based library for parsing and manipulating subtitles
Stream huge amount of data into an XLSX generated file stream with minimum memory footprint.
Get an event when you're being sent data or asked for it.
Convert an abstract-chunk-store compliant store into a readable or writable stream
- abstract-chunk-store
- chunk
- stream
- readable
- writable
- store
- createReadStream
- createWriteStream
- read
- write
- convert
Gulp plugin that prompts you to choose the files to pass through the stream.
MediaSource API as a node.js Writable stream
Read or write to a stream using while and await, not event handlers.
A simple stream that allows reading and writing to the same file at the same time.[H[C[F
Node's file stream APIs for the web
redis-wstream - node.js redis write stream which streams binary or utf8 data into a redis key using an existing redis client (streams2)
Creates a temporary file, returns a write stream, a path, and cleanup functions
Batch Object Write Stream
Big-friendly JSON. Asynchronous streaming functions for large JSON data sets.
The cross-platform way to stream an OS image to a device
Write a stream of objects to a Mongo database
Creates a temporal file and returns a write stream with path and cleanup methods.
A writable stream for doing operations in Elasticsearch
Response streaming middleware for Express 4.
fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.