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Convert 1m20s to 80 or 80000.
vk-steps - Module for cheating VK steps
a node.js wrapper for cryptokingdom API
This is a wrapper to `"crypto-js": "^3.3.0"` assisting in easy encryption and decryption using AES-256
Hombridge plugin for thermostat
Node SDK for CHBB REST v1 APIs
Buffer + Promise-based (no file writes) interface to Pi camera for Node.js
A package for scraping jobs from LinkedIn Jobs
Mangopay Node.js SDK
A React hook to handle user inactivity and display a warning before logging out.
Mangopay Node.js SDK for NPM testing purposes
Algometer is a CLI tool to measure the execution time of JavaScript/TypeScript algorithms
Calculate home loan, monthly payment, total interest.
A TypeScript utility library designed to optimize for programmer happiness. zzz danmu module
Virtual stored file system for webdav-server
Async functions for CoffeeScript: map, reduce, and more
An API testing framework using Mocha and Q
(IEC) Utility to parse a string bytes to bytes and vice-versa
goroutines for javascript