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Search React components with form autocomplete.
For HTTP `Authorization` and `WWW-Authenticate` headers.
Redirecting HTTP to HTTPS. It forces SSL (HTTPS) when HTTP is required using Express (Nodejs) and remove www and trailing slash on your domain.
- ssl
- https
- express
- nodejs
- node
- force ssl
- force https
- enforce https
- domain redirect
- remove www
- middleware redirect
- slash redirect
- trailing slash
- remove trailing
- View more
A lightweight drop-in replacement for request
See, or
WebC support for Eleventy adds for Single File Web Components
Build a form without headache
i18next internationalization framework
The Static Code Analysis Tool for your HTML
Open a URL via the operating system (http: in default browser, mailto: in mail client etc.
Converts application/x-www-form-urlencoded keys to plain JS object
Node.js RSA library
Types for the Expo config object app.config.ts
A polyfill for SVG's SVGPathSeg and SVGPathSegList
A JavaScript Regular Expression library, extending the standard RegExp class with missing functionality
See, or
See, or
Big integers.
- cryptography
- math
- bitcoin
- arbitrary
- precision
- arithmetic
- big
- integer
- int
- number
- biginteger
- bigint
- bignumber
- decimal
The fastest http(s) client (and much more) for Node.js - Node.js bindings for libcurl