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145 packages found
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A modified version of the WPGulp workflow + the Prolific starter WordPress theme
The gulp wrapper around patternlab-node core, providing tasks to interact with the core library and move supporting frontend assets.
Gulp pipeline to validate js files using ESLint
The gulp wrapper around patternlab-node core, providing tasks to interact with the core library and move supporting frontend assets.
Gulp pipeline with handy functions for the other pipelines
A Liquid engine for Pattern Lab / Node
This node/gulp plugin that allows you to automate your add-in / SPFx deployment and installation
Simple slush generator
Afelio – Design Toolbelt
Combine Jekyll and Google web-starter-kit to enjoy the best of both worlds
gulp marionettist project bootstrapper
Transform Gulp streams with Pretty Diff.
The Twig engine for Pattern Lab / Node
Javascript development toolbox
- Testing
- Javascript
- Nodejs
- Unittest
- Codestyle
- CI
- Code complexity
- jshint
- jscs
- npm
- Gulp
- mocha
- Taskrunner
- Toolbox
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The Underscore engine for Pattern Lab / Node
JCA UI Kit from components built in Just Connect . Africa app
Jacket is a Scss starterkit based on Gulp, Libsass and scss-lint with some sane default tasks and based on the Smacss and BEVM structures.
MEAN stack project generator
An Angular2 startup project generator with configuration & support for auto compilation of SASS & Bootstrap SASS, also including full support of angular-cli & ng2-bootstrap for creating perfect build for deployment on Heroku
Yeoman generator
- yeoman-generator
- Gulp
- Angular
- coffeescript
- jquery
- bootstrap
- font awesome
- browser sync
- karma
- jasmine
- jslint
- uglify
- coverage
- yeoman