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Use the Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition
- Windows
- Media
- SpeechRecognition
- ISpeechRecognitionConstraint
- SpeechContinuousRecognitionCompletedEventArgs
- SpeechContinuousRecognitionResultGeneratedEventArgs
- SpeechContinuousRecognitionSession
- SpeechRecognitionCompilationResult
- SpeechRecognitionGrammarFileConstraint
- SpeechRecognitionHypothesis
- SpeechRecognitionHypothesisGeneratedEventArgs
- SpeechRecognitionListConstraint
- SpeechRecognitionQualityDegradingEventArgs
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- AppService
- AppServiceRequest
- AppServiceDeferral
- AppServiceResponse
- AppServiceConnection
- AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs
- AppServiceClosedEventArgs
- AppServiceTriggerDetails
- AppServiceCatalog
- AppServiceClosedStatus
- AppServiceConnectionStatus
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Use the Windows.System UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.System
- Windows
- System
- DispatcherQueueTimer
- DispatcherQueue
- DispatcherQueueShutdownStartingEventArgs
- DispatcherQueueController
- UserWatcher
- User
- UserChangedEventArgs
- UserAuthenticationStatusChangingEventArgs
- UserAuthenticationStatusChangeDeferral
- KnownUserProperties
- UserPicker
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Use the Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls
- Windows
- UI
- Xaml
- Controls
- AnchorRequestedEventArgs
- Control
- ContentControl
- AppBar
- Button
- AppBarButton
- AppBarElementContainer
- AppBarSeparator
- AppBarToggleButton
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Use the Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics
- Windows
- Foundation
- Diagnostics
- TracingStatusChangedEventArgs
- AsyncCausalityTracer
- IErrorReportingSettings
- RuntimeBrokerErrorSettings
- ErrorDetails
- LoggingOptions
- LoggingChannelOptions
- LoggingFields
- ILoggingTarget
- LoggingActivity
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.LicenseManagement UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.LicenseManagement
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Store
- LicenseManagement
- LicenseSatisfactionInfo
- LicenseSatisfactionResult
- LicenseManager
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Web.Http UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Web.Http
- Windows
- Web
- Http
- HttpRequestMessage
- HttpResponseMessage
- HttpClient
- IHttpContent
- HttpCookie
- HttpCookieCollection
- HttpMethod
- HttpTransportInformation
- HttpStringContent
- HttpBufferContent
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.LicenseManagement UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.LicenseManagement
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Store
- LicenseManagement
- LicenseManager
- LicenseSatisfactionInfo
- LicenseSatisfactionResult
- LicenseRefreshOption
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Perception.People UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Perception.People
- Windows
- Perception
- People
- EyesPose
- HandMeshObserver
- HandMeshVertexState
- HandPose
- HeadPose
- HandJointKind
- JointPoseAccuracy
- HandMeshVertex
- JointPose
- NodeRT
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Use the Windows.Media.Audio UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.Audio
- Windows
- Media
- Audio
- AudioDeviceInputNode
- AudioDeviceOutputNode
- AudioFileInputNode
- AudioFileOutputNode
- AudioFrameCompletedEventArgs
- AudioFrameInputNode
- AudioFrameOutputNode
- AudioGraph
- AudioGraphBatchUpdater
- AudioGraphConnection
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- DataTransfer
- Clipboard
- ClipboardContentOptions
- ClipboardHistoryChangedEventArgs
- ClipboardHistoryItem
- ClipboardHistoryItemsResult
- DataPackage
- DataPackagePropertySet
- DataPackagePropertySetView
- DataPackageView
- DataProviderDeferral
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Contacts
- AggregateContactManager
- Contact
- ContactAddress
- ContactAnnotation
- ContactAnnotationList
- ContactAnnotationStore
- ContactBatch
- ContactCardDelayedDataLoader
- ContactCardOptions
- ContactChange
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Use the Windows.Perception.People UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Perception.People
- Windows
- Perception
- People
- EyesPose
- HandMeshObserver
- HandMeshVertexState
- HandPose
- HeadPose
- HandJointKind
- JointPoseAccuracy
- HandMeshVertex
- JointPose
- NodeRT
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Use the Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting WinRT API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting
- Windows
- Globalization
- DateTimeFormatting
- DateTimeFormatter
- YearFormat
- MonthFormat
- DayOfWeekFormat
- DayFormat
- HourFormat
- MinuteFormat
- SecondFormat
- NodeRT
- WinRT
Use the Windows.UI.Xaml.Input UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.UI.Xaml.Input
- Windows
- UI
- Xaml
- Input
- Pointer
- AccessKeyDisplayRequestedEventArgs
- AccessKeyDisplayDismissedEventArgs
- AccessKeyInvokedEventArgs
- AccessKeyManager
- InertiaExpansionBehavior
- InertiaRotationBehavior
- InertiaTranslationBehavior
- ManipulationPivot
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Use the Windows.Devices.Enumeration UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Devices.Enumeration
- Windows
- Devices
- Enumeration
- DeviceConnectionChangeTriggerDetails
- DevicePickerAppearance
- DeviceSelectedEventArgs
- DeviceDisconnectButtonClickedEventArgs
- DevicePickerFilter
- DevicePicker
- DeviceThumbnail
- EnclosureLocation
- DeviceInformationUpdate
- DeviceInformationCollection
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Use the Windows.Security.Cryptography UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Security.Cryptography
- Windows
- Security
- Cryptography
- CryptographicBuffer
- BinaryStringEncoding
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.UI.WindowManagement UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.UI.WindowManagement
- Windows
- UI
- WindowManagement
- AppWindow
- AppWindowChangedEventArgs
- AppWindowCloseRequestedEventArgs
- AppWindowClosedEventArgs
- AppWindowFrame
- AppWindowPlacement
- AppWindowPresentationConfiguration
- AppWindowPresenter
- AppWindowTitleBar
- AppWindowTitleBarOcclusion
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Use the Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core
- Windows
- Security
- Authentication
- Web
- Core
- WebTokenRequest
- WebAccountEventArgs
- FindAllAccountsResult
- WebAccountMonitor
- WebAuthenticationCoreManager
- WebProviderError
- WebTokenResponse
- WebTokenRequestResult
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Store UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Store
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Store
- CurrentApp
- CurrentAppSimulator
- LicenseInformation
- ListingInformation
- ProductLicense
- ProductListing
- ProductPurchaseDisplayProperties
- PurchaseResults
- UnfulfilledConsumable
- FulfillmentResult
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