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Angular IMask Plugin
Angular 19 component and service for inlining SVGs allowing them to be easily styled with CSS.
Angular cookie service
- angular
- angular2
- angular4
- angular5
- angular-2
- angular-4
- angular-5
- angular-6
- angular-7
- angular-8
- angular-9
- angular-10
- angular-11
- angular-12
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UI tour library for Angular 12+
Angular Material File Input
- angular
- angular2
- angular 12
- angular 13
- angular 14
- angular 15
- angular 16
- angular-material
- angular material file input
- angular material file drop
- file input
- file drop
- ngx-mat-file-input
- ngx-material-file-input
### Local and session storage - Angular service This library provides an easy to use service to manage the web storages (local and session) from your Angular application. It provides also two decorators to synchronize the component attributes and the web
JSON formatter / viewer for Angular
Angular directives and pipes for IBAN
A well designed, fully animated, highly customizable, and easy-to-use notification library for your Angular application.
Plug n' Play Angular (2++) directive to print your stuff
CodeMirror wrapper for Angular
Angular DevKit - Core Utility Library
This Angular (7+) library consists of three parts:
UI tour library for Angular 15+
An Angular 9+ module containing a wizard component and its supporting components and directives
- angular
- angular9
- angular10
- angular11
- angular 9
- angular 10
- angular 11
- ng9
- ng10
- ng11
- ngx
- typescript
- wizard
- component
Angular Schematics - Library
- Angular CLI
- Angular DevKit
- angular
- blueprints
- code generation
- devkit
- scaffolding
- schematics
- sdk
- template
- tooling
Angular preset for conventional-changelog.
Restangular for Angular
Angular Build Facade
A port >= angular5 for lightbox2