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Schematics specific to Angular
Angular Fontawesome, an Angular library
An eloquently fluent OData query builder.
- odata
- odata v4
- odata client
- typescript
- javascript
- fluent
- fluent api
- angular 8
- angular 7
- angular 6
- angular 5
- angular 2
- angular 4
- angular
Angular - the compiler CLI for Node.js
Angular Webpack Build Facade
Angular 2+ notifications center
use process.hrtime() in the browser
Webpack Builder for Architect
CLI tool for Angular
A clean React-like abstraction for rendering non-Angular components within an Angular app.
Monaco Code Editor for Angular
- angular
- angular 2+
- angular 2
- angular 4
- angular 5
- angular 6
- angular 7
- angular 8
- angular 9
- angular 10
- angular 12
- monaco
- monaco-editor
- code
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This module is a wrapper for Google Places Autocomplete js library.
Add angularjs dependency injection annotations with ng-annotate
An AngularJS service that implements the HTML5 W3C saveAs() in browsers that do not natively support it
The easiest way to embed React components in Angular 1 apps!
Shareable commitlint config enforcing conventional commits
Directives and services for responding to idle users in AngularJS
Apply a mask on an input field so the user can only type pre-determined pattern.
Scrollspy, animated scrollTo and scroll events
A little plugin for Bootstrap 4 custom file input