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Data Structures of Javascript & TypeScript. AVLTree, Binary Search Tree, Binary Tree, Tree Multiset, Graph, Heap, Priority Queue, Linked List.
- data
- structure
- molestiae
- data structure
- non
- data structures
- amet
- binary
- sunt
- consequuntur
- ea
- ducimus
- autem
- quas
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SQLite Client is a wrapper for Sqlite on Wasm that uses the Origin Private File System to persist the sqlite database file.
- sqlite
- sqlite3
- sqlite-wasm
- sqlite3-wasm
- webassembly
- wasm
- esm
- opfs
- origin-private-file-system
- bucket-file-system
- bfs
Optimal swap path finder for UniswapV2-based AMM DEX model
Enhanced and multifunctional tree walker
A library of data structures and algorithms
- js-datastructures
- es6 data structures
- javascript data structures
- data structures
- data structures javascript
- data structures js
- stack
- es6 stack
- queue
- es6 queue
- priority queue
- priorityqueue
- trees
- binary trees
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Find the path of a value in a complex JavaScript object graph/tree
JavaScript Data Structure
Algernon is a JS library for efficiently generating, solving, and rendering mazes.
- maze
- javascript
- maze-generation
- maze-solver
- p5.js
- html-canvas
- a-star
- ant-colony-optimization
- d-star-lite
- dfs
- bfs
- labyrinth
- occupancy-grid
A package for implementing pathfinding algorithms for web apps that need some kind of path finding, maze solving. Supports both weighted and unweighted algos.
Common JavaScript algorithms
Walk DOM with BFS and DFS traversing algorithms
Flexible functional async breadth first search
A package for algorithms
- algorithm
- sorting
- searching
- graph
- dynamic programming
- bubble sort
- merge sort
- binary search
- linear search
- breadth-first search
- bfs
- depth-first search
- dfs
- fibonacci
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General purpose BFS implementation.
Graph data structure with path finding and traversing algorithms
- graph
- dijkstra
- path
- finding
- find path
- path finder
- shortest
- shortest path
- dfs
- depth first search
- bfs
- bredth first search
A package to offer a built-in Queue data structure and Breadth First Search (BFS) method for traversing a graph for JavaScript applications.
Use classic algorithms for Graphs.
Call a function on each file in a filesystem tree
Index computations for balanced binary trees stored in BFS order
Bucket problem solver