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190 packages found
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Automatic Node Version Switching
A collection of Angular components and other useful things to be shared.
template for ts projects
Figma Plugin CLI Publisher
Run your meteor package tinytests and mocha tests from the command line with phantomjs.
- spacejam
- meteor
- test-packages
- test-in-console
- tinytest
- mocha
- mocha.js
- practicalmeteor
- practicalmeteor:mocha
- practicalmeteor:mocha-console-runner
- ci
- continuous integration
- cd
- continuous delivery
Plugin to add a pseudo file system to terminal-in-react
A helpful countdown class, 一个实用的的倒计时类
- cd
- time-cd
- count-time-down
- time-countdown
- countdown-time
- countdown
- countdownjs
- countdown-js
- js-countdown
- CountDown
- count-down
A companion CLI tool for typedoc-plugins-versions.
- smashtest
- smashtestio
- test
- tests
- testing
- framework
- automated
- automation
- browser
- bdd
- tdd
- selenium
- webdriver
- webdriverjs
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An automated CI tool to help with building packages and ignoring them when there wasn't a change.
- oclif
- templates
- templating
- ci
- cd
- automation
- versioning
- version
- kubernetes
- orchestration
- docker
- trigger
- hash
- directory
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Utility functions to help with performing blue/green and canary deployments in AWS infrastructure
A plugin for semantic-release that builds and deploys Docker images in a daemonless environment using Google's open-source tool, Kaniko
avn plugin for nvm
Manage Couchbase indexes during the CI/CD process
Library to help manage releases, and project creation using templates
- project-generator
- release-manager
- plantuml
- mermaid
- uml
- drawio
- mddocs
- md
- jsdoc
- doc
- docs
- documentation
- ci/cd
- ci
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CI/CD-compatible semantic versioning and releasing.
template for ts projects
React build status badge component for any CI/CD service. Shows real-time status and supports Markdown for easy setup.
An aliyun oss deploy tool, putObject and putStream are all supported.
avn plugin for n