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Check to see if a CSS selector string has an id.
Calculate specificity of a CSS Selector
PostCSS plugin adds root selector to all other rules
CSS selector constructor.
postcss plugin to prefix all css selector classes and ids
PostCSS plugin to reference any ancestor selector in nested CSS
PostCSS plugin for adding a parent selector to all rules in a css file.
blazing fast CSS3 query selector engine
Determine whether a selector contains a pseudo-class
PostCSS plugin Prepend selector for each rule
CSS Post-Processor that chunks CSS files per IE9 selector count restrictions
PostCSS plugin to add :focus-visible selector to every :hover for keyboard accessibility
PostCSS plugin for selector scoping
PostCSS plugin to discard rules, atrules or declarations by selector, RegExp or callback function
PostCSS plugin which helps you get your current selector
Extra lightweight DOM selector helper
Selector-based function pack for Seed
Given a DOM node, return a unique CSS selector matching only that element
PostCSS plugin Prepend selector for each rule
Add advanced selector support to cheerio