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Linaria support for Next.js 13 app directory feature
A PostCSS plugin to support aspect-ratio property.
Storybook addon used to run the PostCSS preprocessor with Sass support against your stories.
Responsive React grid system built with styled-system, with support for styled-components and emotion
PostCSS plugin to support percentage() function
Stylelint plugin for managing arbitrary properties. Includes Less and Sass support.
drop-in replacement for connect.static with live-reload support
Æsthetic ~ Language beautification support leveraging the Sparser lexing algorithm.
- æsthetic
- aesthetic
- esthetic
- formatting
- prettify
- beautify
- prettier
- jsbeautify
- beautification
- liquid
- html
- css
- parser
- shopify
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Plugin for esbuild with partial support of css-modules
Bulma extension to add prefers-color-scheme dark support
PostCSS plugin adding "@supports not" support for IE 11
Gulp plugin for stylelint with ES module support.
Check for transition support
PostCSS plugin that updates the standard object-fit tag to work with the object-fit-images polyfill for browsers that do not natively support object-fit.
Grouped utility support for Tailwind CSS
Add modular-css support to rollup
PostCSS plugin that wraps hover selectors in a media media that's only valid on devices that support true hover events.
Add Stylus support to Next.js
A stylelint plugin to support the use of carbon component tokens.
Grouped utility support for Tailwind CSS