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Shareable TypeScript configuration for the Sapphire Community
Standard ESLint config for the Sapphire Community
Standard Prettier config for the Sapphire Community
An NPM package to generate captcha images that can be used in Discord bots or various other projects
hello world(>////<)
- canvas
- canvas discord
- canvas-discord
- discord-canvas
- discord canvas
- djs
- djs bot
- bot discord
- discord
- html5
- discord js
- herokuapp
- knights canvas
- squad 404
Helpers for discord interactions
A complete framework to facilitate server backup using discord.js v12
The Stacks notifications integration.
A powerful Discord.js module for simplifying music commands and effortless playback of various sources with integrated audio filters.
El npm mas grande de habla hispana dedicado a generar imagen/video de memes para los bots de discord , actualmente +300 memes diferentes
Common JavaScript utilities for the Sapphire Community
A unofficial discord.js fork for creating selfbots [Based on discord.js v13]
A TypeScript port of Nightly Rust's Result and Option structs
Parse discord-style markdown into an abstract syntax tree.
Simple ytdl wrapper for discord bots with custom ffmpeg args support.
- ytdl-core
- ytdl-core-discord
- discord.js-bassboost
- bassboost
- discord
- music
- bot
- ytdl-discord
- ytdl-ffmpeg
- discord-ytdl-core
- prism-media
- discord-musicbot
- musicbot
- discord.js-encoderargs
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React bindings for @derockdev/discord-components-core
A time duration utility library for JavaScript.
Easy, flexible and feature-rich lavalink@v4 Client. Both for Beginners and Proficients.
Web components to easily build and display fake Discord messages on your webpages.
Very Simple, and Fast Mongoose Economy System