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Simple EventBus for triggering and listening to events in JavaScript and TypeScript
A simple yet powerful pub/sub pattern javascript event bus
A Message Bus that uses AWS SNS, AWS SQS, and AWS EventBridge
Event bus implementation made on top of native node events module
Event Bus for Vue2. automatically cancel listening events when destroyed.
This hook can carry events across the app.
DRY Castore MessageBus definition using AWS EventBridge
An event bus built on top of events library of Node.JS
Type-safe event bus for browser
- event
- bus
- emitter
- listener
- browser
- typescript
- io-ts
- microfrontend
- microfrontends
- micro-frontend
- micro-frontends
Simple event bus.
Micro message bus for the browser.
Global event bus using a singleton event emitter
DRY Castore MessageBus definition using AWS EventBridge and S3
roof bus library
DRY Castore MessageBus definition using EventEmitter
DRY Castore MessageBus definition using EventEmitter
An extensible typescript message bus with support for middlewares
- typescript
- bus
- message
- middleware
- rabbitmq
- kafka
- asyncrhonous
- ddd
- event-sourcing
- event
- eventstore
- domain
- geteventstore
- sourcing
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Synchronous Event Bus for Unity