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A Sass mixin to allow easy, efficient usage of Google Web Fonts.
Google Fonts Webpack plugin
PostCSS plugin for import Google fonts
A google fonts picker built with jquery and select2
Material Design icon fonts (only!) by Google
Try out different fonts on your website by putting a font picker in the Astro Dev Toolbar
- astro
- withastro
- astro-integration
- astro-toolbar
- astro-dev-toolbar
- toolbar
- font
- google-fonts
- font-picker
Performantly and Customizably Bring Google Fonts to Gatsby
PostCSS plugin for import Google fonts
Download Google Fonts for local provisioning
A complete list of Google Fonts and their sources
React component for react-google-fonts-css2.
A Google Fonts library specifically designed for the v2 API and variable fonts, which helps to load them in the browser.
Google Web Fonts downloader
Google Fonts Webpack plugin
Material Design Icons DX
- icons
- material
- material-design
- material-design-icons
- material-design-icons-build
- material-design-icons-release
- material-design-icons-dist
- material-design-icons-iconfont
- mdidx
- nuxt
Automagically rehost google fonts by bundeling them into your application
Font loader optimized for maximum performance. Removes render-blocking font resources and loads them asynchronusly. Handle FOUT & FOUC with font loading status watcher. Supports both local-hosted fonts and web fonts.
A Gatsby plugin to handle cdn, base64 and self hosted webfonts
Download Google fonts for local/offline delivery
Material Design icons by Google, updated.