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Apollo Federation support for Graphile Engine
Postgraphile plugin to enable mutation atomicty with GraphQL requests containing multiple mutations
Simplifies the graphile-build/graphile-build-pg inflection to trim the `ByFooIdAndBarId` from relations, etc
PostGIS support for PostGraphile
Persisted operations support for Grafserv
Swiss army knife for dealing with all things Graphile
Export in-memory generated GraphQL schemas to JS files when built with our helpers.
A validation rule to apply to GraphQL operations to avoid excessively deep queries.
PostGraphile plugin that removes all foreign key fields from the GraphQL schema while still allowing foreign relationships to be created. Primary key fields are not removed from the GraphQL schema.
Automatic, high performance, and highly customizable GraphQL API for PostgreSQL
graphile mutations for tables with column privileges
Helper for using PostGraphile with Apollo Server
A GraphQL schema created by reflection over a PostgreSQL schema 🐘 (previously known as PostGraphQL)
- graphql
- engine
- pg
- postgres
- postgresql
- postgraphql
- schema
- reflection
- introspection
- server
- relay
- connection
- graphile
- graphile engine
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Grafast-flavoured GraphiQL distribution; the underlying React components
ESLint plugin to help ensure your schema is exportable by graphile-export
PostgreSQL source for Gatsby, powered by PostGraphile
- gatsby
- gatsby-plugin
- gatsby-source-plugin
- source
- plugin
- pg
- postgres
- postgresql
- sql
- psql
- pgsql
- postgraphile
- graphile
- postgraphql
A PostGraphile plugin for writing nicer error messages on constraints.
A GraphQL schema created by reflection over a PostgreSQL schema 🐘 (previously known as PostGraphQL)
- graphql
- engine
- pg
- postgres
- postgresql
- postgraphql
- schema
- reflection
- introspection
- server
- relay
- connection
- graphile
- graphile engine
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A PostGraphile plugin helping you handle non nullable fields.
Enhanced aggregates support for PostGraphile