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mvc implementation for nodejs with typescript
Configures NodeJS + ExpressJS projects to work with a MVC structure.
An MVC scaffold for you hapi.js projects
MVC Framework for NodeJS
An MVC framework for Node.js, built on top of Express. Brisk omits most of the platform-specific conventions and returns application development to a more traditional object-oriented structure.
ApplicationBuilder Prototype - Event Based
- module
- require
- node
- custom
- node mvc
- node-mvc
- controller
- node controller
- nodejs-mvc
- mvc
- mvc pattern
- mvc framework
- mvc model
- nodejs framework
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CLI Tool/Framework for generating Node APIs, MVC Projects, and Files
node.js mvc framework
garrosh is a backend framework, fast, using MVC conventions
Custom Express app generator
- express
- express-generator
- express-app
- mvc
- express-mvc
- nodejs
- npm
- express-boilerplate
- create-express-mvc-app
- create-express-app-mvc
- node
- mvc-boilerplate
- nodejs-boilerplate
- create-express-app
Distributed-MVC Framework
Minimalistic nodejs MVC framework
A modular MVC microframework for Node.js Express and your impatience
bigcommerce mvc example
Restful API using MVC structure and NoSQL database
resolve like require.resolve() on behalf of files asynchronously and synchronously
Promisify a callback-style function
- promisify
- callback
- promise
- promises
- denodify
- denodeify
- node
- then
- thenify
- convert
- transform
- wrap
- wrapper
- bind
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Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
Is this specifier a node.js core module?
Determine if the current node version supports the `--preserve-symlinks` flag.