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27 packages found
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PTKDev Stickers for whatsapp, telegram, discord and files png/psd
published version 1.6.3, 4 years ago0 dependents licensed under $CC BY-NC 4.0
Create android and ios mobile app with this friendly Svelte boilerplate for cordova
published version 1.0.20211120, 3 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT
Svelte server-side-rendering built with SEO in mind. Start your project with this friendly svelte kit boilerplate
published version 1.0.20210516, 4 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT
Create your discord bot with this friendly boilerplate. Use this repository as template for your bot
- ptkdev
- node
- node-module
- node-library
- node-discord-bot-boilerplate
- node-library-boilerplate
- boilerplate
- github-template
published version 1.0.20210412, 4 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT
Make javascript game with this friendly kaboom boilerplate made with typescript, svelte and love
- ptkdev
- svelte
- svelte-game
- kaboom
- kaboomjs
- javascript-game
- js-game
- make-game-with-javascript
- create-game-with-javascript
- svelte-game-boilerplate
- kaboomjs-boilerplate
- kaboom-boilerplate
- boilerplate
published version 1.0.20211105, 3 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT
Create server-side-rendering application with express and this friendly Svelte boillerplate
- ptkdev
- svelte
- svelte-expressjs
- svelte-server-side-rendering
- single-ssr
- ssr
- ssr-boilerplate
- svelte-express-boilerplate
- boilerplate
published version 1.0.20210429, 4 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT
My Patreon Tier Box with avatars and link from rest/json api.
- ptkdev
- webcomponents
- webcomponent
- HTMLElement
- CustomElements
- patreon
- patreon photos
- patreon box
- patreon backers
- patreon widget
- patreon tier widget
published version 1.1.0, 5 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT