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Handle beforeinstallprompt event in your PWA.
Zero-config PWA for Nuxt 3
A local-first realtime NoSQL Database for JavaScript applications -
- db
- database
- offline-first
- local-first
- local first
- nosql
- no-sql
- jsonschema
- schema
- rxjs
- pwa
- progessive web app
- hybrid app
- localstorage
- View more
PWA for Next.js, powered by Workbox.
Babel preset for Quasar CLI
Tailwind CSS safe area helpers
Vue Slick Carousel with True SSR Written for Faster Luxstay
Vue specific wrapper for @ionic/core
Quasar Framework App CLI with Webpack
Vue Router integration for @ionic/vue
webhint's recommended hints configuration for progressive web apps (PWAs)
offline-plugin for webpack
- webpack
- plugin
- offline
- cache
- caching
- storage
- service-worker
- serviceworker
- appcache
- application cache
- pwa
- progressive web apps
- app-shell
- appshell
Extend the default layout or create custom layouts for your SPA Vue.js
library to bring Web App Manifest contents to non-compliant browsers
A powerful framework for building mobile and progressive web apps with JavaScript and Angular
🃏 Minimalistic isomorphic library for detection of platform, runtime, APIs and more.
offline-plugin for webpack
- webpack
- plugin
- offline
- cache
- caching
- storage
- service-worker
- serviceworker
- appcache
- application cache
- pwa
- progressive web apps
- app-shell
- appshell
Web app manifest validator
Nx plugin for stenciljs
A React component to prompt the user to add the app as a PWA to the home screen with native iOS styles.