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A React hook that allows you to use a ResizeObserver to measure an element's size.
- react
- hook
- react hook
- resize observer
- resize observer hook
- resize observer react hook
- use-resize-observer
- useresizeobserver
- resize hook
- size hook
- container query
- css in js
- measure
- size
A framework for building native apps using React
Conditionally require a React proptype based on other props and/or other conditions.
React PropType Utilities
Effortlessly track and debug errors in your React applications with Rollbar. This package includes advanced error tracking features and a set of React-specific enhancements to help you identify and fix issues more quickly.
Notifee - a feature rich notifications library for React Native.
A universal headless form-control component for React Native, Next.js & React
🎨 A tiny (2,8 KB) color picker component for React and Preact apps. Fast, well-tested, dependency-free, mobile-friendly and accessible
- react
- color picker
- react-component
- colorpicker
- tiny
- hex
- color
- front-end
- color-picker
- accessible
- react-color
- accessibility
- aria
- a11y
React component to provide validation states to form fields
A simple and beautiful text diff viewer component made with diff and React
Authentication for Next.js
Performant, flexible and extensible forms library for React Hooks
An autoplay plugin for Embla Carousel
A simple and powerful JavaScript animation library
React hook for handling keyboard shortcuts
A library for Expo config plugins
Types for the Expo config object app.config.ts
React component for Tippy.js
It is a trap! (for a focus)
jsx-control-statements specific linting rules for ESLint