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This library emulates ioredis by performing all operations in-memory.
- fakeredis
- in-memory
- ioredis
- ioredis-mock
- mock-ioredis
- mock-redis
- redis
- redis fake
- redis inmemory
- redis js
- redis memory
- redis mock
- redis standalone
- redis test
- View more
♎ Libra, a module to handle bindings between commands and Redis replies. Moreover, it implements an automatic rollback mechanism for subscriptions.
Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends
The Library contains the Database classes for File based states database client and server.
The Library contains the Database classes for File based objects database client and server.
A locking primitive using redis.
Generates CRC hashes for strings - for use by node redis clients to determine key slots.
A Node.js module reporting all commands implemented by Redis.
Javascript Redis protocol (RESP) parser
Error classes used in node_redis
♠ Spade, a robust, full-featured, multi-module, Redis client, with offline queue for commands, automatic socket reconnection and command rollback mechanisms for subscriptions, moreover, it supports caching for LUA scripts.
Redis client mock object for unit testing
- redis
- redis-mock
- mock-redis
- redis test
- redis mock
- redis testing
- redis fake
- redis-js
- redis js
- redisjs
- redis standalone
- redis inmemory
- redis memory
- in-memory
map redis commands into Promise
Tiny library that adds promise awareness to node_redis
A modern, high performance Redis client
OpenTelemetry instrumentation for `ioredis` database redis client for Redis
High-performance JSON serialization library
OpenTelemetry instrumentation for `redis` v4 database client for Redis
Cache Manager for Node.js
- cache
- caching
- cache manager
- node
- node.js
- in-memory cache
- redis
- memcached
- multi-store cache
- ttl
- caching layer
- cache abstraction
- cache middleware
- cache strategies
Example usage: ```javascript import { createClient, Graph } from 'redis';