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Boostrap 3 rows with inline, horizontally scrolling columns
Only the layout part of antd library
Solves systems of linear equations using Gaussian Elimination
TableHeadFixer is a simple [jQuery](http:/ "jQuery") plugin for fixer HTML tables header, footer or columns.<br/> This plugin will only add elements events and css attributes necessary for fix tables header, footer or columns, you can customiz
Flexbox made easy & semantic
Parse text columns, like the output of Unix commands
Update all row numbers in all console.logs in given files
Powerful components library for react-native apps
React components for Fluent UI layout styles
solve systems of linear equations using gaussian elimination
variable row height scroller that renders just the visible rows with no precomputation of row-height necessary
Lightweight and powerfull react layouts drag and drop
Immutable spreadsheet-like data structures containing row keys, column keys, and cell values
ESLint plugin to update row numbers on each console.log
Microlibrary to split a DOM element image with elements populated with CSS vars.
remark-lint rule to check superfluous table cells
Dynamically calculate the perfect column count for each row for given col-count, target and min colums.
Convert informal SQL SELECT to formal SQL.
React Native Swipe Row Library