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106 packages found
Locomotive handlers for Primus WebSockets abstraction layer
Maintenance: None. Quality: 61%. Popularity: 2%.
React websocket component with STOMP over SockJS
Maintenance: None. Quality: 63%. Popularity: 0%.
Redis to SockJS relay
Maintenance: None. Quality: 62%. Popularity: 0%.
A wrapper around express, sockjs-node, and redis that provides token based authentication, a websocket based rpc-like abstraction, and an optional publish subscribe interface.
Maintenance: None. Quality: 62%. Popularity: 0%.
Primus is a simple abstraction around real-time frameworks. It allows you to easily switch between different frameworks without any code changes.
- abstraction
- browserchannel
- framework
- comet
- streaming
- pubsub
- pub
- sub
- ajax
- xhr
- polling
- http
- faye
- View more
Maintenance: None. Quality: 61%. Popularity: 0%.
Client libraries for Node-Token-Sockjs server
Maintenance: None. Quality: 61%. Popularity: 0%.
small pub sub system on top of sockjs
Maintenance: None. Quality: 61%. Popularity: 0%.
If you familier with [Create react app]( and the [prefix bug](, you came to right place!
Maintenance: None. Quality: 60%. Popularity: 0%.
Vert.x Event Bus Bridge Client
Maintenance: None. Quality: 52%. Popularity: 4%.
RxJS powered Event Bus client for Vert.x 3
Maintenance: None. Quality: 56%. Popularity: 1%.
Centrifuge and Centrifugo client for NodeJS and browser
Maintenance: None. Quality: 54%. Popularity: 2%.
Nodejs transparent bidirectional remote procedure call (RPC) supporting multiple transports : WebRTC, Websocket,, faye ...etc
Maintenance: None. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 3%.
Centrifuge javascript client
Maintenance: None. Quality: 53%. Popularity: 2%.
sockjs-client for Taro
Maintenance: None. Quality: 54%. Popularity: 1%.
Prebuilt client library for Primus - a simple abstraction around real-time frameworks
Maintenance: None. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 3%.
Centrifuge javascript client WR
Maintenance: None. Quality: 53%. Popularity: 2%.
Document Socket - Node.js server
Maintenance: None. Quality: 53%. Popularity: 2%.
SurgeJS is a lightweight "framework" for SockJS, providing a like API on top of it, adding extra features.
Maintenance: None. Quality: 55%. Popularity: 0%.
JavaScript client SDK for bidirectional communication with Centrifugo and Centrifuge-based server from browser, NodeJS and React Native
Maintenance: None. Quality: 55%. Popularity: 0%.
Centrifuge javascript client
Maintenance: None. Quality: 52%. Popularity: 1%.