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Build projects using some or all of Closure's JS Compiler, Templates (Soy), Stylesheets (GSS), and JS Library.
Soy / Closure Templates plugin for Broccoli
Pre-built closure-templates JAR files packaged for NPM
Helper for converting and including soy templates
Utility for working with Closure Templates, aka Soy, from within a node.js application.
Static generator using soy templates and metal.js.
Soy Syntax and quick edit extension.
Compile Soy/Closure Templates and convert to CommonJS modules.
Utility for working with Closure Templates, aka Soy, from within a node.js application.
Components that are compatible with metal-ssg sites.
Utility for working with Closure Templates, aka Soy, from within a node.js application.
Connect middleware to render Soy templates
Utility for working with Closure Templates, aka Soy, from within a node.js application.
A simple compiler for SOY templates for inclusion on the client-side.
Components that are compatible with Clay for use with electric.js sites.
Utility for working with Closure Templates, aka Soy, from within a node.js application.
Yeoman generator for creating documentation sites using metal-ssg.
experimental lisp which supports both s-expressions and smalltalk esque syntax
Wrap your closure templates in a require js define block
```js var heartlessSoy = require('heartless-soy');