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A Tailwind CSS plugin that provides fluid-responsive spacings across viewport widths.
A Tailwind CSS plugin to add spacing utility classes based on the Golden Ratio
A markdown-it plugin which inserts whitespace into your markdown files.
A script to annotate, show spacing specs and to display typography information in documentation/website on HTML elements
- html
- css
- design
- design system
- javascript
- spec
- inspect
- annotation
- annotate
- pin
- specifications
- anatomy
- dissection
- dissect
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Standalone helper for creating consistent spacing between the elements of your UI
Padding (inner spacing) stuff of UI.
Space values for web
A comprehensive toolkit for maintaining consistent typography and spacing in React applications. Featuring debug overlays for grids and baselines, stack components for vertical rhythm, and spacing utilities that help ensure precise typography and layout d
- react
- grid
- layout
- typescript
- baseline
- typography
- spacing
- stack
- padding
- debug
- dev-tool
- pixel-perfect
- vertical-rhythm
Style-Forge.Patterns - versatile CSS library with pre-defined classes for responsive, consistent user interfaces.
- style-forge
- patterns
- utility
- library
- responsive
- design
- grid
- flexbox
- spacing
- typography
- styles
- framework
- frontend
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SpreadJS spacing module
A range of string constants for use in CSS, intended to help implement BBC GEL-compliant webpages and components.
Missing spacing classes for Bulma ecosystem
- bulma
- bulma-spacing
- atomic css
- atomic-css
- atomic
- css
- sass
- flexbox
- responsive
- framework
- functional
- spacing
- margin
- padding
SpreadJS spacing module
- spread-sheets-spacing
- spreadjs-sheets-spacing
- spacing
- spread
- sheet
- javascript
- excel
- grapecity software
- spreadjs
SpreadJS spacing module
PostCSS plugin to define a lh unit based on the line height for vertical rhythm
Individually wrap inline characters/words in a chosen element, with an optional class.
A simple CSS spacing library for margins, paddings and more
Little Miss Robot spacing setup for defining spacing variables.
A PostCSS plugin to create a custom vertical rhythm unit from the base font-size and line-height.
Spacing Settings