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Svelte image component with image preprocessing and lazy loading
A library that provides custom components for integrating imgix into Angular applications
Vite plugin for the automatic generation of images in various formats and widths, for use in srcsets of <picture>- or <img>-elements.
Generate the srcset attribute for HTML img and picture tags
Highly customizable plugin for generating responsive images.
**npm**: `npm i eleventy-plugin-sharp`
Highly customizable loader for generating responsive images.
A webpack loader for responsive images
Add pwa-srcset-loader for image resize and proper srcset loading
A responsive img element vue component
Loader which automatically resizes your images in the desired dimensions, and generates light placeholders.
Extend HTML image tags with srcset and sizes attributes to leverage native responsive images.
React image component
Boost your front end performance by optimizing how your images get delivered for no cost! Picture Perfect is small library including a set of tools that can help improve your site's performance.
- responsive
- images
- srcset
- lazyloading
- lazy
- loading
- size
- window
- scroll
- picture
- art direction
- background image
- background
Loader which automatically resizes your images in the desired dimensions, and generates light placeholders.
Responsive image component for React with nice abstractions over srcset, sizes and src attributes.
iron-image extension supporting srcset and lazy loading
add img attribute 'srcset' for lazysizes