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197 packages found
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A Node.js client library for the Aristech Text-to-Speech API
SDK for creating videos programmatically using JSON2Video API
Text to speech REST API for multiple TTS engines
Edge TTS is a package that allows access to the online text-to-speech service used by Microsoft Edge without the need for Microsoft Edge, Windows, or an API key.
Self-contained multilingual TTS speech synthesizer for Node.js in pure js
Updated Cordova Text-to-Speech Plugin
Cordova Text-to-Speech Plugin
HTML custom element to convert text to speech using the Web Speech API.
A node for Text-to-speach using the Voice RSS API
Simple node.js library for google text to speech
Client-side (web browser) implementation of Edge TTS package — Microsoft Edge Read Aloud API called to generate free text-to-speech
A lightweight Text-to-Speech library.
Fork of @diffusion-studio/vits-web for easier built-in PiperTTS use.
- vits
- webassembly
- emscripten
- audio
- browser
- tts
- text-to-speech
- speech synthesis
- web ai
- webnn
- piperTTS
- AnythingLLM
Quickly add text-to-speech widgets to HTML, using the Web Speech API.
uniapp 文本转语音
Eleventy plugin that uses text-to-speech to generate audio assets for your website, then injects audio players in your HTML.
Node-RED node for CoeFont textspeech API
Fork of node-gtts, Google Text-to-Speech for NodeJS (Unofficial API)
Unicode standard compliant emoji annotations (internationalized text-to-speech descriptions and keywords) with extensions provided by the community
React SDK for UnrealSpeech API