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621 packages found

A modern logging library for Node.js and modern browsers that provides log level mapping to the console

published version 6.0.0, a year ago45 dependents licensed under $MPL-2.0

Opencensus propagation package for Stackdriver format.

published version 0.1.0, 3 years ago5 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

Much better tracing of unhandled promise rejections in JavaScript

published version 2.0.1, 4 years ago8 dependents licensed under $MIT

Extensible TypeScript Logger for Node.js and Browser.

published version 4.9.3, 7 months ago505 dependents licensed under $MIT

Axios plugin that provides better stack traces for axios errors

published version 2.1.7, 5 months ago19 dependents licensed under $MIT

React Native Firebase - React Native Firebase provides native integration with Performance Monitoring to gain insight into key performance characteristics within your React Native application.

published version 21.6.1, a month ago14 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

Potrace in Javascript, for NodeJS

published version 2.1.8, 4 years ago70 dependents licensed under $GPL-2.0

Get a view of the diagonal entries of an ndarray

published version 1.0.0, 10 years ago10 dependents licensed under $MIT

A powerful and customizable logging library for node.js. support color console with timestamp, line number, method name, file name and call stack. you can set transport to file, stream, database(ex: mongodb and clouddb, simpledb). keywords: log, logger, t

published version 1.3.0, a year ago535 dependents licensed under $MIT

Enables AWS X-Ray for entire Serverless stack or individual functions

published version 2.0.0, 7 years ago9 dependents licensed under $MIT

Error wrapping in Node.js

published version 1.0.2, 8 years ago8 dependents licensed under $MIT

A multi channel logger written in TypeScript.

published version 7.0.1, a month ago27 dependents licensed under $MIT

Analyze the output of tsc --generatetrace

published version 0.10.1, a year ago3 dependents licensed under $MIT

This package provides Amazon Web Services distribution of the OpenTelemetry Node Instrumentation, which allows for auto-instrumentation of NodeJS applications.

published version 0.4.0, 17 days ago0 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

Context management helper for the w3c traceparent header format

published version 1.0.0, 6 years ago20 dependents licensed under $MIT

Ping and trace route to many hosts at once.

published version 1.2.4, 9 months ago61 dependents licensed under $MIT

Creates super long stack traces

published version 3.2.0, 2 months ago40 dependents licensed under $MIT

Wrap up expressions with a trace function while walking the AST with rice and beans on the side

published version 0.2.12, 13 years ago20 dependents licensed under $BSD

Potrace in Javascript, for NodeJS

published version 3.0.0, 2 years ago1 dependents licensed under $GPL-2.0

Stacktrace prettyfier with theme support.

published version 0.3.1, 10 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT