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Aui is Semantic-UI + React
- react
- semantic-ui
- semantic ui
- semantic
- ui
- reactjs
- react.js
- react-component
- react component
- jsx
- cjsx
- coffee
- coffee-script
- component
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Unicorn framework js library
<div align="center"> <img src="" alt="Unicorn Design System"> <h1>Unicorn Icons</h1> <strong>Unicorn Icons is Aftershoot's inbuilt library for using different icons with custom configurations in their Desktop app
Marigold's Developer Theme
Zero-config linting, powered by few amazing unicorns, AirBnB & Prettier.
- xaxa
- eslint
- es6
- esmodules
- es module
- linting
- lint parallel
- parallel
- fast
- format
- prettier
- eslint-prettier
- prettier-eslint
- airbnb
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Super strict eslint rules for more reliable software
- lint
- eslint
- strict
- eslintconfig
- eslint-plugin
- reliable
- reliability
- react
- react-hooks
- typescript
- typescript-eslint
- unicorn
ROT52 encryption, quadruply as secure as ROT13
A Node-RED node to output to a Raspberry Pi Unicorn HAT from Pimorini.
Zero-config linting, powered by few amazing unicorns, AirBnB & Prettier.
- eslint
- es6
- esmodules
- es module
- linting
- lint parallel
- parallel
- fast
- format
- prettier
- eslint-prettier
- prettier-eslint
- airbnb
- codestyle
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<div align="center"> <img src="" alt="Unicorn Design System"> <h1>Unicorn Design System</h1> <strong>Unicorn Design System is Aftershoot's inbuilt library for using different react components with custom configur
JavaScript based code-generation for Rainbow serialization format of Sitecore items
cli tool for bakers makers
A collection of SCSS utilities and variables.
The Pegasus module for Unicorn System.
A Unicorn theme for Slidev
Cli for Bearicorn app
Compiler of unicorn project.
A collection of most used React components crafted for WordPress projects.