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Javascript Framework
Compose is a JavaScript util that combines the advantages of JSX, VirtualDOM and [WebComponents](
> [Fritz]( bindings for [Raj](
Make React Faster. Automatically.
Compile Handlebars to Virtual DOM templates
Javascript (TypeScript) state management library for ivi.
Starlight is a virtual-DOM framework that completely decouples application code from the DOM.
The minimalistic and fast Web-Component library
Routing for the malina library
Virtual DOM Benchmark: vidom
Extremely fast functional HTML string renderer
A rendering loop for snabbdom.
Configurable webpack loader for jsx-transform v2
Converts HTML to ivi Virtual DOM.
ui.js 0.7.x stage 1 experimental tags bundling with esbuild
Modern, concise, developer-friendly & zero-config DSL for creating user interfaces.
wirte react virtual dom dsl with coffeescript
ivi: Render Virtual DOM to string.
ui.js 0.7.x stage 1 experimental tags bundling with esbuild
ui.js stage 1 experimental tags bundling with esbuild