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A calendar heatmap Vuejs component built on SVG, inspired by github's contribution calendar graph
Zero dependency Vue renderless calendar with scoped-slots API
A responsive calendar component for Vue.js
Event calendar and date picker for Vue 3
A vue2 calendar component, have week and month two mode, custom render event
a vue component of calendar for mobile Vue移动端日期选择控件
this easy calendar by vue
Vue 3를 위한 날짜 범위 선택 캘린더 컴포넌트입니다.
calendar and datepicker component with material design for Vue.js
A Vue2 calendar with event support and multiple selection
A calendar component
A full display calendar for the Quasar Vue.js framework
Vue schedule calendar.
A clean and extendable plugin for building simple attributed calendars in Vue.js.
A clean and extendable plugin for building simple attributed calendars in Vue.js.
A full display calendar for multiple Vue.js frameworks
A Vue.js wrapper for TOAST UI Calendar
A calendar component for Vue.js
A calendar and date picker plugin for Vue.js.
A vue component for lunar calendar. Uses Moment.js for date operations.