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OpenTelemetry Core provides constants and utilities shared by all OpenTelemetry SDK packages.
Storybook framework-agnostic API
The core of the humanfs library.
Storybook framework-agnostic API
TypeScript definitions for express-serve-static-core
Common layer to be used by crypto libraries based on WebCrypto API for input validation.
Tooltip and Popover Positioning Engine
The CommonMark markdown constructs
EditorConfig File Locator and Interpreter for Node.js
This module is used by a number of the other Workbox modules to share common code.
Core Promise support implementation for the simplified HTTP request client 'request'.
The core constants used throughout the remirror codebase
A Babel plugin to inject imports to core-js@3 polyfills
Core of Shiki
Abstraction over common javascript date management libraries
Isomorphic client library for supporting long-running operations in node.js and browser.
Super-fast alternative for babel