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238 packages found
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JavaScript Client for HyperLab Dialex API
Idiomatic TS array, object utils, Option, Result monads
Generates passages of khaled ipsum text suitable for use as placeholder copy in web pages, graphics, and more.
A library for interacting with the NOWPayments Mass Payments API
- soluta
- veniam
- aut
- facere
- magni
- voluptatem
- ADA crypto
- voluptas
- et
- incidunt
- laudantium
- tenetur
- reiciendis
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Serenity/JS: Next generation acceptance testing library for modern web applications.
XMLHttpRequest polyfill for node.js by Ionut Costica ( with minor modification to xml-http-request.tx, removed references to process.versions.node
Angular powered Bootstrap
- angular
- reiciendis
- omnis
- accordion
- quia
- buttons
- carousel
- nisi
- labore
- dropdown
- ipsum
- culpa
- dicta
- asperiores
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A fork of 'olalonde/better-require' - lets you load JSON and YAML files using require syntax. For example: var config = require('./config.json'); Extensions available are: json, yaml, coffee, ts, ls, co
Returns lorem ipsum dummy text
Recursive camel casing of object property names with proper typing
Simple metrics collector for JS objects
typescript assert tasks for development.
XIOT Specification Codec
CSS vendor prefix detection and property feature testing.
A package to send and receive data using promises.
Generate nonsensical placeholder text inspired by the region of Lorraine ☨
Convert HTML to PDF in node.js
- voluptatem
- repellat
- quaerat
- aut
- pdf-conversion
- cum
- illo
- esse
- praesentium
- ipsum
- numquam
- ipsam
- eligendi
- harum
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