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2362 packages found
Maintain your contracts across your services
Abstraction into crossfilter using schemas.
Provides a simple way to check and enforce type safety, somewhat similar to Mongoose schemas. Allows the creation of custom types.
A CLI tool that can be used to create fake, structured data using GraphQL schemas to specify fields and data types
Serializable, validated, and observable data layer for modern JS applications
- model
- collection
- backbonejs
- data
- nestedtypes
- schema
- serialization
- validation
- observable
- reactive
- orm
- odm
- typescript
A factory for json-schema validated data model.
Mongoshawk - MongoDB ODM
Unique storage library
A Mongoose like Azure DocuomentDB ORM.
Generate random fake data with your mongoose schema
## [Docs](
File schema defining and streaming with a composable interface
compiling all schemas based on ajv at server start
DataModel implementation of the **BasicSkills** schema and definition.
Portable and extensible data validation
flexible data builder
Validate data entity fields against a schema
Data schemas and values for complex forms