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2638 packages found
just get http status codes in the terminal
Get HTTP-Status name by number
A lightweight package for handling HTTP status codes
[![npm](]( [![GitHub](]( [![Travis (.org)](https://img.shi
exports getCountryDataByCountryName class with 2 methods, getAllData and getCountryCodeByCountryName. getAllData returns an array containing all available data about each country based on the following csv file:
Inspect/Check HTTP status code
Library for encoding and decoding Underlords share codes
Common constants
Uniquely identifiable codes for each food.
Error manager for handling errors within the classes by creating self defined error codes and parsing them into http error codes
Norway Postal Codes
HTTP Status Codes for TypeScript
ISO639 language codes processed and ready to use in javaScript applications
Tiny, fast, modular ISO 3166-1 alpha-2/alpha-3 parser.
convert color codes easily between rgb and hex
Swiss zip codes
An updated list of all cryptocurrencies.
Lookup currency codes based on ISO 4217
Generate random strings of any length containing hexadecimal digits
Simple JavaScript shortcuts and hotkeys library. This library has no dependencies and is very small in size (7 KB), compressed version - 4 KB. It is very easy to add, delete, change hotkeys or shortcuts.