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Use the Windows.UI.Input.Inking.Preview UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.UI.Input.Inking.Preview
- Windows
- UI
- Input
- Inking
- Preview
- PalmRejectionDelayZonePreview
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop
- Windows
- UI
- Xaml
- Interop
- IBindableIterator
- IBindableObservableVector
- IBindableVectorView
- TypeKind
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Devices.Midi UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Devices.Midi
- Windows
- Devices
- Midi
- IMidiMessage
- IMidiOutPort
- MidiActiveSensingMessage
- MidiChannelPressureMessage
- MidiContinueMessage
- MidiControlChangeMessage
- MidiInPort
- MidiMessageReceivedEventArgs
- MidiNoteOffMessage
- MidiNoteOnMessage
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Use the Windows.Devices.Bluetooth UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Devices.Bluetooth
- Windows
- Devices
- Bluetooth
- BluetoothAdapter
- BluetoothClassOfDevice
- BluetoothDevice
- BluetoothDeviceId
- BluetoothLEAppearance
- BluetoothLEAppearanceCategories
- BluetoothLEAppearanceSubcategories
- BluetoothLEConnectionParameters
- BluetoothLEConnectionPhy
- BluetoothLEConnectionPhyInfo
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Provider UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Provider
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Calls
- Provider
- PhoneCallOrigin
- PhoneCallOriginManager
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
Use the Windows.Devices.Gpio UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Devices.Gpio
- Windows
- Devices
- Gpio
- GpioPinValueChangedEventArgs
- GpioPin
- GpioController
- GpioSharingMode
- GpioOpenStatus
- GpioPinDriveMode
- GpioPinValue
- GpioPinEdge
- NodeRT
- WinRT
Use the Windows.Security.Credentials UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Security.Credentials
- Windows
- Security
- Credentials
- WebAccountProvider
- WebAccount
- IWebAccount
- KeyCredentialRetrievalResult
- KeyCredentialOperationResult
- KeyCredentialAttestationResult
- KeyCredential
- KeyCredentialManager
- PasswordCredential
- PasswordVault
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Use the Windows.Devices.Adc UWP API directly from Node.js
Use the Windows.Graphics UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Graphics
- Windows
- Graphics
- IGeometrySource2D
- PointInt32
- SizeInt32
- RectInt32
- DisplayAdapterId
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Foundation.Collections UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Foundation.Collections
- Windows
- Foundation
- Collections
- IVectorChangedEventArgs
- IPropertySet
- PropertySet
- CollectionChange
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Resources
- ResourceLoader
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Helper library for using TypeScript with Azure Functions
Use the Windows.Devices.Power UWP API directly from Node.js
Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Preview.Notes UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Preview.Notes
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Preview
- Notes
- NotePlacementChangedPreviewEventArgs
- NoteVisibilityChangedPreviewEventArgs
- NotesWindowManagerPreviewShowNoteOptions
- NotesWindowManagerPreview
- PreviewNotesContract
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Background UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Background
- Windows
- Devices
- Bluetooth
- Background
- RfcommInboundConnectionInformation
- RfcommOutboundConnectionInformation
- RfcommConnectionTriggerDetails
- GattCharacteristicNotificationTriggerDetails
- BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherTriggerDetails
- BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisherTriggerDetails
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation
- Windows
- UI
- Xaml
- Navigation
- NavigationEventArgs
- NavigatingCancelEventArgs
- NavigationFailedEventArgs
- PageStackEntry
- NavigationCacheMode
- NavigationMode
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Data.Html UWP API directly from Node.js
Use the Windows.Devices UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Devices
- Windows
- Devices
- ILowLevelDevicesAggregateProvider
- LowLevelDevicesAggregateProvider
- LowLevelDevicesController
- DevicesLowLevelContract
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.Media.PlayTo UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.Media.PlayTo
- Windows
- Media
- PlayTo
- SourceChangeRequestedEventArgs
- PlaybackRateChangeRequestedEventArgs
- CurrentTimeChangeRequestedEventArgs
- MuteChangeRequestedEventArgs
- VolumeChangeRequestedEventArgs
- PlayToReceiver
- PlayToConnection
- PlayToSource
- PlayToConnectionStateChangedEventArgs
- PlayToConnectionTransferredEventArgs
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