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Verify your deployed smart contracts on Etherscan from the Truffle CLI
Utilities for Solidity contracts
Wrapper to compile Truffle contracts with arbitrary shell command
[new] Truffle Flattener concats solidity files developed under Truffle with all of their dependencies
Utilities for identifying and managing blockchains
Truffle plugin for saving/loading networks info from/to artifacts.
A truffle privatekey signature provider
Core functionality for debugging Solidity files built with Truffle
Relatable names for your Truffle test accounts.
Truffle project boilerplate utility
Core functionality for debugging Solidity files built with Truffle
Truffle Version Helper
Simple module for ensuring specific options are passed to a function
Compiler helper and artifact manager, truffle-conflux-resolver TODO delete
Verify your deployed smart contracts on Etherscan from the Truffle CLI
Initializer for example Truffle projects
Truffle topup plugin
Simple module that allows native Error objects to be extended
Core functionality for debugging Solidity files built with Truffle