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jsPsych plugin for running a serial reaction time task
jsPsych plugin for displaying a canvas stimulus and getting a slider response
a jspsych plugin for maxdiff/conjoint analysis designs
jsPsych plugin for showing animations and recording keyboard responses
jsPsych plugin for running an IAT (Implicit Association Test) with an HTML-formatted stimulus
jspsych plugin for categorization trials with feedback
jsPsych plugin for displaying a stimulus and recording a video response through a camera
jspsych plugin for categorization trials with feedback
jsPsych plugin for displaying a cloze test and checking participants answers against a correct solution
virtual chinrest plugin for jsPsych
jsPsych plugin for showing two stimuli sequentially and getting a same / different judgment
a jspsych plugin for a reconstruction task where the participant recreates a stimulus from memory
jsPsych visual search circle plugin
jsPsych plugin for showing two stimuli sequentially and getting a same / different judgment
jsPsych plugin for running a serial reaction time task
jspsych plugin for categorization trials with feedback and animated stimuli
jspsych plugin for categorization trials with feedback
jsPsych plugin for displaying a stimulus and getting a keyboard or button response