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Angular 2 / TypeScript crypto-secure UUID generator
Essential JS 2 FileManager Component
- ej2
- syncfusion
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- filemanager
- file organizer
- file organizing tool
- file picker
- file viewer
- file browser
- file selector
- directory viewer
Typescript compiler wrapper
Type definition for navigator.userAgentData
JavaScript library for Crowdin API
- Crowdin
- client
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- localization
- translation
- i18n
- l10n
- crowdin-api-client
- crowdin-api
- crowdin-client
- crowdin-js
- crowdin-js-client
🔌 TypeChain target for ethers-v6
gRPC-web transport for clients generated by the protoc plugin "protobuf-ts"
JavaScript Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) implementation
Analyze circular dependencies in your JavaScript/TypeScript projects with Rust.
Webpack loader that generates TypeScript typings for CSS modules from css-loader on the fly
- Typescript
- TypeScript
- CSS Modules
- CSSModules
- CSS Modules typings
- Webpack
- Webpack loader
- Webpack css module typings loader
- typescript webpack typings
- css modules webpack typings
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A JSON diff tool for JavaScript written in TypeScript.
Twirp transport for clients generated by the protoc plugin "protobuf-ts".
gRPC transport for clients generated by the protoc plugin "protobuf-ts"
TypeScript declaration files for
Use SurveyJS Creator to create or edit JSON for SurveyJS Form Library.
Analyze the output of tsc --generatetrace
Flexible scheduling library with more built-in features and enhanced customization options similar to outlook and google calendar, allowing the users to plan and manage their appointments with efficient data-binding support.
- ej2
- syncfusion
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- schedule
- scheduler
- events-calendar
- events-scheduler
- appointment-calendar
- appointments-planner
- resources-scheduler
Essential JS 2 TreeGrid Component
- ej2
- syncfusion
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- treelist
- tree-table
- tree-data
- treegrid
- table
- tree-grid-component
- tree-table-control
- hierarchy-table
- nested-grid
- treeview-grid
- View more
Socket.IO module for Angular