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A simple and accessible accordion component for React & Chakra UI
Accessible Tabs component for React and Chakra UI
- react
- react component
- tabs
- accessible tabs
- a11y tabs
- react a11y tabs
- react accessible tabs
- react tabs
- chakra ui
- chakra
- react tabs component
- a11y
- react aria tabs
- aria
Accessible slider component for React that implements <input type=range>
- react
- chakra ui
- chakra
- component
- slider
- accessible
- a11y slider
- react a11y slider
- react accessible slider
- react slider
- a11y
- input range
- react aria slider
- aria
Provides a method to inject and analyze web pages using axe
An accessible & customizable modal dialog for React built with Hooks under the hood.
A lightweight JavaScript package to facilitate a11y-compliant tabbed interfaces
JavaScript library to help web applications with accessibility concerns
Skip navigation links for screen reader and keyboard users
Aria live region for React components
A tiny framework agnostic color picker element for modern web apps
- webcomponents
- web-components
- webcomponent
- web-component
- custom-element
- customelement
- colorpicker
- hex
- color
- color-picker
- accessible
- accessibility
- aria
- a11y
Test accessibility with axe-core in Cypress
With more than 85 components, over 45 available plugins, several directives, and 1000+ icons, BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of the Bootstrap v4 component and grid system available for Vue.js v2.6, complete with extens
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap v4
- Bootstrap for Vue
- Vue
- Vue.js
- Vue v2
- Web
- Components
- Directives
- Icons
- Bootstrap Icons
- Accessibility
- View more
An eslint plugin for checking Vue.js files for accessibility
Custom Playwright commands to inject axe-core and test for a11y
Container utilities in the Garden Design System
Dynamic accessibility analysis for React using axe-core
A standalone speech rule engine for XML structures, based on the original engine from ChromeVox.
Toolkit for building accessible rich web apps with React
A global utility for tracking the current input method (mouse, keyboard or touch).
Containers relating to selection in the Garden Design System