Search results
559 packages found
Portable mixed-precision BLAS-like vector math library for x86 and ARM
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Levenshtein edit distance
Maintenance: None. Quality: 64%. Popularity: 15%.
Compute the absolute value of a double-precision complex floating-point number.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 3%.
Compute a sample Pearson product-moment correlation distance.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- correlation
- corr
- pcorr
- ppmcc
- pcc
- pearson
- product-moment
- bivariate
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Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Compute a moving residual sum of squares (RSS) incrementally.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Compute the mean absolute error (MAE) incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- average
- avg
- mean
- arithmetic mean
- absolute
- error
- err
- mae
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Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Compute a moving sample Pearson product-moment correlation distance incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- correlation
- corr
- coefficient
- pcorr
- pcorrdist
- pearson
- product-moment
- distance
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Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Compute a moving mean absolute error (MAE) incrementally.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Calculate the L2-norm of a double-precision floating-point vector.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- blas
- level 1
- dnrm2
- nrm2
- euclidean
- magnitude
- 2-norm
- l2-norm
- norm
- distance
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Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Compute a sample Pearson product-moment correlation distance matrix incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- covariance
- matrix
- sample covariance
- correlation
- anticorrelation
- correlated
- corr
- pearson
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Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Compute the residual sum of squares (RSS) incrementally.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Finds similar word(s) in a list of words
- leven
- levenshtein
- distance
- string
- difference
- diff
- suggest
- fuzzy
- similar
- similarity
- compare
- comparison
- edit
- text
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Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 54%. Popularity: 0%.
Calculate the L2-norm of a single-precision floating-point vector.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- blas
- level 1
- snrm2
- nrm2
- euclidean
- magnitude
- 2-norm
- l2-norm
- norm
- distance
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Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Compute the relative difference of two real numbers.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Calculate the L2-norm of a vector.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Compute the absolute value and the phase of a double-precision complex floating-point number.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- math.abs
- cabs
- abs
- absolute
- magnitude
- modulus
- distance
- cphase
- phase
- argument
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Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
This is for calculate date from startDate and endDate
- javascript
- date
- calculate
- moment
- nodejs
- simple-date-calculator
- simple-date-calculator-module
- distances
- distance
- calculate-date
Maintenance: 32%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Return the stride along a specified dimension for a provided ndarray.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Compute the squared absolute value of a double-precision complex floating-point number.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.
Compute the relative difference of two real numbers in units of double-precision floating-point epsilon.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- ieee754
- floating-point
- double
- dbl
- float
- number
- relative
- difference
- diff
- distance
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Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 51%. Popularity: 2%.