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Parse a glob pattern into an object of tokens.
Find the first directory with a package.json, recursing up, starting with the given directory. Similar to look-up but does not support globs and only searches for package.json. Async and sync.
Return true if a file path is (or has) a dotfile. Returns false if the path is a dot directory.
Array.prototype.find ES6 polyfill.
Find multiple RegExp matches in a string
Recursively omit empty properties from an object. Omits empty objects, arrays, strings or zero.
Find files simply. Walks a directory tree emitting events based on what it finds. Presents a familiar callback/emitter/a+sync interface. Walk a tree of any depth.
Get a list of npm packages with keywords
The lodash method `_.find` exported as a module.
Check if a string is an IP address
Regular expression for matching HTML comments
unist utility to find a node after another node
(fork of omit-empty) Recursively omit empty properties from an object. Omits empty objects, arrays, strings or zero.
Find all packages inside a directory
Filter an object values using glob patterns or with a `callback` function returns true.
unist utility to find nodes after another node
Regular expression for matching javascript require/import statements.
Utilities for finding the closest package.json file
ES6 Array.find ponyfill. Return the first array element which satisfies a testing function.
Find unused files, dependencies and exports in your TypeScript and JavaScript projects
- analysis
- analyze
- class
- cli
- dead code
- dependencies
- detect
- devDependencies
- duplicate
- entropy
- enum
- export
- files
- find
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