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A simple library for using the JavaScript Fullscreen API.
react-browser-hooks React component
React standard library
- react
- lib
- libreact
- stdlib
- hoc
- higher-order
- composition
- facc
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fullscreen polyfill api that presents an event emitter
Autoplay module for lightgallery.
Social media share module for lightgallery.
Quill module which adds a toggle fullscreen button to the Quill editor toolbar.
Plugin For react-leaflet for Fullscreen Control
- react
- react-leaflet
- react-leaflet-v3
- fullscreen
- leaflet.fullscreen
- react-leaflet-fullscreen
- react-leaflet-fullscreen-plugin
React higher order component that provides fullscreen API to the enhanced component
Reference 'Swipe Up' functionality implementation based on 'Browser Ui State' intended to provide a way to expand browser to full screen state
Component that performs fullscreen in DOM Elements
a screen aligned quad for three.js
fullscreen in react
Dynamic viewport management for mobile. Manage viewport in different states of device orientation. Scale document to fit viewport. Calculate the dimensions of the minimal iOS 8 view relative to your viewport width.
A plugin for Reveal.js 4, that enters or exits fullscreen, and toggles classes on certain elements
Plain wrapper that renders full image preview on child image tag click
jQuery plugin for showing any DOM element on a page in fullscreen mode
Native side portals for React Native
Angular image fullscreen viewer. An updated version of ng-image-fullscreen-view that uses standalone components + bugfixes.
Component that performs fullscreen in DOM Elements