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Grunt task for running Cucumber.js
grunt task for syncing files between directories and keeping modified times
Grunt task for node-huxley.
grunt task to split css files in html files into separate medie query css files
A Grunt task for concatenating i18n files and generating a JavaSript friendly version of the result.
grunt task for running tests and coverage, based on nyc and mocha.
A Grunt task for accessing the file copying and syncing capabilities of the rsync command line utility. Uses the rsyncwrapper npm module for the core functionality.
Task that beautifies your HTML
Grunt task for starting and stopping an application as a daemon using forever
Grunt task for managing mongodb backups
XDT Transformation task for Grunt
Grunt task for linting inline javascript
A grunt task to perform AWS CloudFormation operations
A grunt task to ensure you are using the node version required by your project's package.json
Grunt task to minify Handlebars.js templates.
grunt task for compile sass styles by node-sass
Grunt task for compiling CSON files to JSON
Utility to add directory handling to your grunt task
Task runner for developers minimalists
A grunt task for node-optimizer. Optimize a node project to a single JS file for distribution release.