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Default registry in gulp 4.
An opinionated set of Gulp tasks
Gulp tasks to be shared between Liferay projects
Unified Gulp tasks for FullScreenShenanigans projects.
Gulp plugin for environment-specific tasks
This project provides several common used tasks for Gulp.
Loads gulp tasks from external files.
Registers gulp tasks from folders
development tools, generate gulp tasks, gulp task manager, run tasks in sequence via Promise. useful gulp task util: zipSequence, runSequence, runTaskSequence, toSequence, flattenSequence.
- development
- tool
- gulp
- promise
- shell
- command
- generate
- task manager
- zipSequence
- flattenSequence
- runSequence
- runTaskSequence
- toSequence
- typescript
- View more
Easily organize gulp tasks in separate files and folders
Some Gulp tasks by Joe
sekrab gulp tasks shared amongst shut cricket and other libs
Enchanted gulp tasks
Run CPU-consuming Gulp tasks in the separate processes to achieve faster builds.
A bunch of modular gulp tasks
nixin-cli - A bunch of useful gulp tasks
Common gulp tasks
Packaging of Gulp-based build tasks. It provides a series of out-of-the-box Gulp tasks.
- gulp
- gulp-task
- gulp-build
- gulp-workflow
- gulp-plugins
- gulp-webpack
- gulp-html
- gulp-css
- gulp-postcss
- gulp-template
- workflow
Lists gulp tasks and their comments
A set of Gulp tasks for building Angular apps