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Trim the initial indentation from a string
Generate folders and files with an indented template file
- generation
- create
- produce
- layout
- template
- outline
- file
- files
- folder
- folders
- directory
- structure
- heirarchy
- indentation
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Una utilidad para limpiar las indentaciones de cadenas de código.
Change the indentation in a string.
- change
- code
- detect
- format
- formatter
- formatting
- identify
- indent
- indentation
- indentations
- indented
- line
- normalize
- pad
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Reusable dynamic tagged templates
- multiline-strings
- string-substitution
- indentation
- inline
- html-template
- tagged-template
- tagged-template-literals
- composition
- composable
- abstraction
- javascript
- es6
- es2015
An opinionated lightweight package to beautify & lint html partials
- pretty
- formatter
- html
- angular
- lint
- beautifier
- instabug
- guidelines
- ibg-html-pretty
- markup
- indentation
- max-line-length
Remove all leading/trailing white-space & newline characters from multiline template strings
- template literals
- template strings
- whitespace
- white-space
- white space
- newline
- dedent
- deintend
- indentation
- es6
- babel
Remove indentation from multiline template strings
Validate that doesn't adhere to EditorConfig settings
- editorconfig
- tools
- validate
- validation
- cli
- lint
- linter
- space
- spaces
- newline
- newlinews
- eof
- eol
- trailingspaces
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Prettier Plugin for Clojure. Indentation only, and non-configurable
a lightweight JavaScript library designed to simplify the process of managing text paragraphs within a canvas environment. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for aligning, indenting, and spacing text paragraphs, enabling developers to create visuall
- canvas
- text
- paragraphs
- javascript
- library
- alignment
- indentation
- spacing
- text-layout
- web-development
- frontend
- drawing
- graphics
Syntactic sugar for HTML/CSS + CoffeeScript
Simple indentation for languages like HTML, PHP, CSS, and JS
此为吴乐川的《获取计算机源代码单级缩进空白的工具》。本工具可按需产生一个字符串,该字符串用作计算机源代码之单级缩进之空白。该字符串要么全是“空格”(`' '`),要么全是“制表符”(`' '`),但二者不可混用。并且,多于一个制表符是允许的,但本程序会给出警告信息。因为,一般的,我们仅需采用单一制表符。
Detect the indentation of code
Grunt plugin for JSON formatting with json-fmt
Check indentation matches specified rules
Strip leading whitespace from each line in a string
Convert emblem templates to Handlebars