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942 packages found
nodejs img cli tool
An image and video meta data extracter/updater
a cli tool to compresses jpeg encoded files using google guetzli
A fork of exifr, 📷 The fastest and most versatile JavaScript EXIF reading library.
Get the dimensions of an image
A node.js library to convert SVGs to images built with Puppeteer.
a cli tool to compresses png encoded files using google zopfli
An *Ackchyually* browser compatible file-type hacky replacement of the `file-type` package. Forked from
powerful image convertor package this package you can convert the file into a different format
Check if JPEG images are progressive
guetzli wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency
Package for encoding / decoding images, transforming images, applying filters, drawing primitives on images on the client side (no need for server Node.js)
Imagemin plugin for jpegoptim
jpegtran imagemin plugin
cwebp wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency
jpegtran (part of libjpeg-turbo) bin-wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency
jpegoptim wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency
Effortlessly convert, resize, and compress images (jpg, png, heic, heif, webp) into optimized png and jpg formats, all within the browser environment.
Display images in the terminal
A ES6 class for node-canvas with built-in functions and chained methods.