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Vue input mask
Apply a mask on an input field so the user can only type pre-determined pattern.
FormKit Pro — Form inputs and tools for high quality forms.
- forms
- autocomplete
- toggle
- dropdown
- taglist
- datepicker
- mask
- repeater
- colorpicker
- slider
- transferlist
- rating
- togglebuttons
- validation
Image processing and manipulation in JavaScript
A React Native and Expo library to mask text
A string formatter and validator based on masks
Invisible data at ease
Svelte input mask
Text input mask for React Native.
Express middleware for filtering-out parts of JSON responses based on the `fields` query-string.
Ant Design Mask Input
The optional framework-agnostic Maskito's package with phone masks
Calculate optimal subnet masks for standard and non-standard IP ranges
A plugin for Tailwind CSS for masking elements using mask-image and linear-gradient.
Vue3 currency input/directive mask
IP address utilities for node.js, forked from `indutny/node-ip`.
(yet another) Masked input component for React
This package includes two Angular directives. The digitOnly directive only allows numbers in the input box when typing, pasting or drag/dropping. The mask directive checks the input pattern attribute.
Component to made an overlay with touch-through hole
Return boleto formatted with mask.